Oh by the way – We are having a BOY!

We have found that out too during the time I was away from the blog!

Although my doctor did not recommend but we decided to have ultrasound every month for the peace of my mind.

We went for our 25 week ultrasound (after the 20 week one) at a different place and this time the lady doing it was really nice. After she checked everything she asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We both were like, Yes Yes!

Then she looked and looked and showed us on the screen, “See that’s his little boy part!” I felt so weird; I was so prepared to hear, “It’s a girl!” I am very happy but somehow I always thought I was having a girl. In fact I was so much into thinking that it actually took me a few days to digest that I am growing a baby boy inside me 

We have decided not to tell this to anyone; so for all the friends and relatives it still remains to be a surprise! I do want to talk about it badly sometimes, especially when people are trying to guess what I am having but so far I have managed to keep it to myself. But I had to share it here in my blog – how could a woman keep such a secret all to herself for so long! Lol…

Here winter is the official wedding season. Two of my very close friends are getting married pretty soon. We all are supposed to be wearing traditional dresses and the idea itself is exhausting me. Those of you don’t have any idea about our national dress ‘Saree’ – it’s a 6 or 7 yard one piece of cloth to be wrapped around your body in a very special way so that it should look very sexy.

Something like this but can you imagine a woman with a 30 week bump wearing it?


I think it is going to be very hectic for me with the belly so I am planning to wear another very popular traditional dress which is Salwar Kameez. I wear these things everyday to work.


One of the friend’s wedding is on Friday, but the programs actually starts from tomorrow. I will definitely post pictures of the different ceremonies. It’s high time my blog should look more colorful!